
File System

By default, the library will use the local file system based on the current working directory. In most scenarios, you won't have to bother with what's outlined here, but it may be useful in some scenarios (for example, using an in-memory file system is useful for mocking the file system for testing purposes).

Current File System Object

import { Project } from "ts-morph";
const project = new Project();

const fs = project.getFileSystem(); // returns: FileSystemHost

This file system object can be used to interact with the current file system. The methods available on it are very obvious and not worth explaining here (ex. writeFile(filePath: string, fileText: string): Promise<void>, readFile(filePath: string): Promise<string>, readFileSync(filePath: string): string, etc..).

In-Memory File System

If you want to use a file system that is stored in memory, specify that when creating a Project instance:

import { Project } from "ts-morph";

const project = new Project({ useInMemoryFileSystem: true });
const fs = project.getFileSystem();

const sourceFile = project.createSourceFile("file.ts", "console.log(5);");
console.log(fs.readFileSync("file.ts")); // outputs: "console.log(5);"

The current working directory on this file system will be /.

This file system can also be imported and created via the InMemoryFileSystemHost export.

Remember: The Default Script Target is ES5

You may wonder why certain standard types are any when using an in memory file system:

const project = new Project({ useInMemoryFileSystem: true });
const sourceFile = project.createSourceFile(
  `const mySet = new Set<string>();`,
const mySetDecl = sourceFile.getVariableDeclarationOrThrow("mySet");
console.log(mySetDecl.getType().getText()); // any

This is because, the lib compiler option must be specified, similar to when you use tsc:

const project = new Project({
  useInMemoryFileSystem: true,
  compilerOptions: {
    lib: ["lib.es2015.d.ts"],
/// ...omitted... same as above...
console.log(mySetDecl.getType().getText()); // Set<string>, good

Or you may specify a target that will implicitly load in the lib files that you need:

import { Project, ts } from "ts-morph";

const project = new Project({
  useInMemoryFileSystem: true,
  compilerOptions: {
    target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2015,
/// ...omitted... same as above...
console.log(mySetDecl.getType().getText()); // Set<string>, good

Note that if you want to include all the lib files, you may specify lib.esnext.full.d.ts as a lib option:

const project = new Project({
  useInMemoryFileSystem: true,
  compilerOptions: {
    lib: ["lib.esnext.full.d.ts"],

Custom File System

It's possible to use your own custom file system by implementing the FileSystemHost interface then passing in an instance of this when creating a new Project instance:

import { FileSystemHost, Project } from "ts-morph";

class MyCustomFileSystem implements FileSystemHost {
  // implement it

const fs = new MyCustomFileSystem();
const project = new Project({ fileSystem: fs });