Certain nodes in TypeScript can be exported.
Is export
Use isExported()
, isNamedExport()
, or isDefaultExport()
functionDeclaration.isExported(); // returns: boolean
functionDeclaration.isNamedExport(); // returns: boolean
functionDeclaration.isDefaultExport(); // returns: boolean
and default
Use the has
methods to check for the export
and default
functionDeclaration.hasExportKeyword(); // returns: boolean
functionDeclaration.hasDefaultKeyword(); // returns: boolean
And use the get
methods to get the keywords:
Setting as default export
Use setIsDefaultExport
to set a node as being a default export or not:
functionDeclaration.setIsDefaultExport(true); // be one
functionDeclaration.setIsDefaultExport(false); // don't be one
Note: This will throw an exception if the node's parent is not a source file.
Setting as export
Use setIsExported
to set a node as being a named export if the parent is a source file or an export of a namespace if the parent is a namespace:
functionDeclaration.setIsExported(true); // be one
functionDeclaration.setIsExported(false); // don't be one
Get default export symbol
If it exists, the default export symbol can be retrieved from source file or module:
const defaultExportSymbol = sourceFile.getDefaultExportSymbol(); // returns: Symbol | undefined
Remove default export
Note: This is safe to call even when there is no default export.
Getting Exported Declarations
The exported declarations of a file or module can be retrieved via .getExportedDeclarations()
. This will return a map keyed on the export name with a value of the exported declarations for that name.
For example, given the following setup:
// main.ts
export * from "./classes";
export { Interface1 as AliasedInterface } from "./interfaces";
namespace MergedNamespace { let t; }
namespace MergedNamespace { let u; }
export { MergedNamespace };
export default 5;
// classes.ts
export * from "./Class1";
export * from "./Class2";
// Class1.ts
export class Class1 {}
// Class2.ts
export class Class2 {}
// interfaces.ts
export interface Interface1 {}
export interface Interface2 {}
The following code:
import { ExportedDeclarations, Project } from "ts-morph";
const project = new Project();
const mainFile = project.getSourceFileOrThrow("main.ts");
for (const [name, declarations] of mainFile.getExportedDeclarations())
console.log(`${name}: ${declarations.map(d => d.getText()).join(", ")}`);
Outputs the following:
Class1: export class Class1 {}
Class2: export class Class2 {}
AliasedInterface: export interface Interface1 {}
MergedNamespace: namespace MergedNamespace { let t; }, namespace MergedNamespace { let u; }
default: 5
Export Declarations
Export declarations look like this:
export { MyClass } from "./other-file";
export * from "./some-file";
export { OtherClass };
Get the export declarations by calling:
const exportDeclarations = sourceFile.getExportDeclarations();
// or to get the first one that matches a condition
const exportDeclaration = sourceFile.getExportDeclaration(d => d.hasNamedExports());
const exportDecForModule = sourceFile.getExportDeclaration("module-specifier-text");
// tell if it has named exports
// or if it's a namespace export
// get/set the module specifier
exportDeclaration.getModuleSpecifier(); // returns: StringLiteral | undefined
exportDeclaration.getModuleSpecifierValue(); // returns: string | undefined
exportDeclaration.hasModuleSpecifier(); // returns: boolean
exportDeclaration.isModuleSpecifierRelative(); // if the module specifier starts with ./ or ../
exportDeclaration.getModuleSpecifierSourceFile(); // returns: SourceFile | undefined
Add or insert use insertExportDeclaration
, insertExportDeclarations
, addExportDeclaration
, or addExportDeclarations
const exportDeclaration = sourceFile.addExportDeclaration({
namedExports: ["MyClass"],
moduleSpecifier: "./file",
Call .remove()
To Namespace Export
Given an export declaration with named exports:
export { Export1, Export2, Export3 } from "./other-file";
Calling exportDeclaration.toNamespaceExport();
will change the code to the following:
export * from "./other-file";
Named Exports
Get the named exports from an export declaration:
const namedExports = exportDeclaration.getNamedExports();
Adding or inserting named exports can be done via the addNamedExport
, addNamedExports
, insertNamedExport
, or insertNamedExports
const namedExport = exportDeclaration.addNamedExport({
name: "MyClass",
alias: "MyAliasName", // alias is optional
// or
Removing one named export:
Export specifier
Export specifiers are the individual named exports.
namedExport.getNameNode(); // returns: Identifier
namedExport.getAliasNode(); // returns: Identifier | undefined
Note: Renaming the alias will set or rename any uses of the alias or identifier to the new value.
Local Target Declarations
The local target declarations are the declarations that the export specifier is referencing:
const declarations = namedExport.getLocalTargetDeclarations(); // returns: Node[]
Parent export declaration
namedExport.getExportDeclaration(); // returns: ExportDeclaration
Export Assignments
Export assignments look like the following:
export = 5;
export default name;
Get the export assignments by calling:
const exportAssignments = sourceFile.getExportAssignments();
// or to get the first one that matches a condition
const exportAssignment = sourceFile.getExportAssignment(d => d.isExportEquals());
// get if it's `export =` or `export default`
const isExportEquals = exportAssignment.isExportEquals();
// get the expression
const expression = exportAssignment.getExpression();
Set whether one is an export equals or export default:
exportAssignment.setIsExportEquals(false); // sets to export default
Set its expression:
exportAssignment.setExpression(writer => writer.write("5"));
Add or insert use insertExportAssignment
, insertExportAssignments
, addExportAssignment
, or addExportAssignments
const exportAssignment = sourceFile.addExportAssignment({
isExportEquals: true, // defaults to true
expression: "5",
Call .remove()